Newsletter #25 - 5 Science-Backed Strategies to Skyrocket Your Online Sales!

Newsletter #25 - 5 Science-Backed Strategies to Skyrocket Your Online Sales!

Julie Cauville

Julie Cauville

August 27, 2024

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Hello !

Every marketer knows that psychology and science play a pivotal role in marketing.

Applying scientifically proven methods to your strategies can even double your sales!

In this newsletter, I unveil five scientifically approved brand tactics to optimize your site, enhance your customer experience, and skyrocket your online sales 🤯.

1. Highlight three benefits to win over your customers

Humans naturally become suspicious when they feel someone is trying to persuade them.

According to a study, presenting three advantages is 10.4% more persuasive than listing four.

Because beyond three positive statements, suspicion intensifies, and it might even harm the message's effectiveness.

Like the brand "Je ne sais quoi", apply the rule of 3 to showcase your brand's benefits (this also applies to your products) and charm your customers 💗.

"The flattering, ethical, inclusive lingerie brand".
"The flattering, ethical, inclusive lingerie brand".

3 fun facts about the impact of numbers on our brain
The human brain is naturally drawn to numbers because they help process information logically. They're known as "brain candies".
Odd numbers
are perceived as more authentic.
Even numbers
help retain information more easily.

2. Maximize your future sales with reviews

It's proven; customers who answer satisfaction questionnaires spend 131% more on average!

Why? Seeking people's opinions naturally improves their perception of a brand or product.

By prompting your customers to reflect on their positive experiences, you influence their memory and strengthen their positive memories.

The secret is to start your survey with an open question, asking what they liked the most, then let their brain do the work ⚙️.

You thus encourage them to reorder or recommend your brand!

Bigblue Tips
Émilie, the founder of
Detective Box, uses Bigblue to automatically gather customer reviews on their delivery experience (and boost her sales)! Customers can also leave a detailed message, helping her continually improve her product.

Click on the picture to discover Émilie's secrets for managing her hyper-growth calmly 💆🏼‍♀️

3️. Retrieve your abandoned carts with strategic timing

If you thought you were doing well by sending an email less than 1 hour after a cart abandonment, you probably unintentionally slowed down your sales.

Customers tend to get annoyed if reminded too quickly, especially if they intend to finalize their purchase later.

Studies suggest the desire to purchase disappears after a few days and can completely vanish within a week.

To maximize your chances of finalizing a sale, I recommend sending a reminder between 24 and 72 hours after abandonment. This way, your customers are more likely to return and complete their purchase.

CAVAL's secret email template to recover abandoned carts
Like CAVAL, opt for a plain-text and personalized email to retrieve more abandoned carts! CAVAL signs its cart recovery emails as Camille and adds calls to action to prompt customers to finalize their orders.

You still need to finalize your order. So, I'm writing to you about two assumptions.
1: Perhaps you didn't have time to finish your purchase? In that case, you can find your cart here for the next 24 hours.
2: Or are you still in doubt? Whether it's a question about the available pickup points, size, our commitments, or returns, reply directly to this email, and I will be pleased to help you.
Cheers, Camille.

4️. Boost your repurchase rate by instantly refunding your customers    

Unlike in-store returns, online sales involve a delay between the item's return and the refund's reception.

This wait is a genuine source of anxiety for your customers, uncertain about when they'll be refunded.

The longer and more complex the process, the more their trust in your brand will erode.

An instantaneous refund, due to its speed and simplicity, is perceived as fairer and reinforces the company's feeling of care towards its customers.

PS: If you fear abuses, limit instant refunds to products that don't require thorough inspection upon receipt (like a book, for instance).

Bigblue Tips
CAVAL, rely on Bigblue's Store Credit option to retain your revenue and spend less time processing exchanges. Once the parcel is returned, the customer automatically receives a credit for the order's value.

CAVAL uses Bigblue's Store Credit option to simplify product returns.

5️. Eliminate hesitations to boost your sales

When placing an order, customers usually ask themselves, "Do I need this product?" and "How much should I order?".

Every second of hesitation could potentially cost you a sale.

While the first question is up to them, the second gives you a chance to influence their decision and... boost your sales!

Like Musc Intime, anticipate your customers' needs. Forget the traditional "Add to Cart" and opt for different calls to action proposing various quantities.

This method has proven its worth: out of 37 tests, conversions went up by 14% on average, and sales by 28%!

Musc systematically offers different lot options to its customers, each time with a small promotion.
Musc systematically offers different lot options to its customers, each time with a small promotion. Smart 👏.

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter and are keen to delve deeper into the powers of science and psychological marketing to boost your sales!

See you soon,

Julie E-commerce Expert @ Bigblue