Newsletter #11 - Elevate Your E-commerce Game with a Winning UGC and IGC Strategy

Newsletter #11 - Elevate Your E-commerce Game with a Winning UGC and IGC Strategy

Julie Cauville

Julie Cauville

August 27, 2024

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Read by 10K+ D2C brands!

If like 87% of consumers, you read reviews on social networks before placing your first order, you already know that user-generated content and influencers are powerful conversion levers.

But how do you choose which strategy to adopt for your brand?

For this first newsletter of 2023, I compare their advantages and share with you five tools to break through in influencer marketing 🔥

Benefits of Influencer-Generated Content

Influencer-generated content is content created by users with at least 1000 subscribers. They are usually made at the explicit request of the brand, often for a fee.

Why are they so popular?

  • Between 2016 and 2020, the influencer marketing market grew from $1.7 billion to $9.7 billion and is expected to reach $24.1 billion by 2025.
  • 49% of online shoppers rely on the opinions of influencers before buying.
  • They help build user trust in your brand.
  • You leverage the influencer's community to reach a specific target.
  • They can help you identify relevant trends for your products...
  • ... and encourage users to create organic content!

👀  Who loves me follows me

By regularly calling on influencers on its various social networks, the Rouje brand organically retrieves qualitative User-Generated Content for free.

The photos of their clients are posted under the #lesfillesenrouje

Benefits of User-Generated Content

UGC is content generated by your customers about your brand or your products. Their formats are more varied: videos, photos, stories, opinions or comments...

Why are they so popular?

  • 92% of customers trust a brand recommended by their peers more.
  • Consumers are 2.4 times more likely to consider a UGC more authentic than content created by your staff.
  • Their engagement rate is, on average, 6.9 times higher.
  • They make it easier for customers to relate to your products and encourage buying.
  • They are an excellent way to gain their trust and federate a community
  • 68% of customers who have had a positive experience with a brand are willing to recommend it!

💙 Bigblue Tip

UGCs are an integral part of Unbottled's marketing strategy and each of their products has several hundred reviews. Same method for making physical sales: reviews and comments are also displayed in shop!

Example of a customer review posted in their Parisian shop

PS: To easily collect reviews, Unbottled uses the Bigblue application to personalise its post-purchase emails and integrate the proper call-to-actions.

IGC or UGC: which one to adopt?

To define which strategy to favour, here are some requirements that can help you ⬇️

Influencer-generated content is an excellent option if you:

  • Are looking for ultra-qualitative content that you can't produce in-house,
  • Believe that your target audience is more likely to follow and rely on influencers.
  • Have the proper marketing budget.

As for user-generated content, this is the perfect option if you :

  • Want to collect content in large quantities and at (very) low cost.
  • Choose authenticity over quality.
  • Are confident in your post-purchase experience to build customer loyalty and boost engagement.

🪄 Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.

Reuse user-generated content and influencers for your ads! Thanks to this strategy, the Cabaïa brand recorded a 4x higher click-through rate.

Analysis of a Cabaia ad on Tiktok

Five tools to break down influencer marketing  

As promised, I'm sharing some tools to optimise the collection, creation and distribution of content created by influencers and users!  

  • Archive:  automatically saves the posts in which your brand is identified.
  • Kolsquare: to quickly find the right influencers for your brand.
  • Kynship: connect with the right content creators and turn them into ads.
  • Wiink: to turn your customers into ambassadors and automate your UGC production.
  • FOMO (it's all in the name): to notify your visitors what your customers are ordering in real time and generate a fear of missing out.

Example of a notification made by FOMO

PS: Bigblue CEO  Tim, recently shared his list of favourite e-commerce tools on LinkedIn 👀