Descubriendo los secretos de las empresas DTC exitosas
- 3 ejemplos de marca para impulsar tus ventas online
- 2 consejos prácticos para obtener resultados más rápidos
- 1 sorpresa especial
que ya lo estoy disfrutando.
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #14 - Omnicanal: 4 secretos para una exitosa transición al retail
February 23, 2023
Con el auge del número de marcas online y la explosión de los costos de adquisición, es más importante que nunca que las marcas D2C diversifiquen sus canales de venta para mantener el crecimiento 🐙.
Entre las distintas opciones, el retail puede ser una excelente oportunidad para tu negocio:
- En 2022, el 30% de las marcas se planteaba aumentar su presencia en el retail.
- Sólo el 48% de las DNVB están presentes en este sector (frente al 56% en el mayorista).
- Los que han dado el paso generan hasta un 40% de su facturación con las ventas físicas.
Si te está rondando la idea por la cabeza, ¡te revelo 4 secretos para rentabilizar rápidamente tu tienda, aumentar tu visibilidad y disparar tus ventas!
1. Prueba con una tienda pop-up
Si no estás seguro de apostar por ello, empieza probando una tienda pop-up.
Además de ser más asequibles (por término medio, un 80% menos que una boutique), ¡las pop-ups ofrecen la posibilidad de transformar tu presencia física en un verdadero acontecimiento y aumentar tu visibilidad!
Una estrategia probada y aprobada por Shanty Biscuit 🍪 que causó sensación el pasado diciembre con su "Shanty Poste".
¿El concepto? Una pop-up con aspecto de oficina de correos estrafalaria para "envolver a sus clientes en buen humor y sumergirlos en un universo con timbres postales". Desde postales, paquetes, sellos, pegatinas hasta mercancía, absolutamente todo tenía los colores de la marca.
PD: Te recomiendo encarecidamente que veas este reel para descubrir todos los detalles de su increíble pop-up.
🤜🤛 Bigblue friends
¿Sueñas con una experiencia similar para tu marca? ¡Al igual que Les Raffineurs, Flotte o Bonne Gueule, Shanty Biscuit recurrió a la agencia Label Expérience para crear el Shanty Poste!
2️. Offer your clients an unforgettable experience
Para que tus clientes vuelvan y recomienden tu tienda, no necesariamente tienes que hacer mucho.
Como Jimmy Fairly, puedes aplicar métodos de fidelización sencillos pero eficaces: además de bebidas calientes, la marca ofrece a sus clientes una tote bag y regalitos (caramelos, pins, estuches de colores para guardar las gafas etc.) con cada compra.
Una estrategia formidable para aumentar el Lifetime Value de sus clientes y su Net Promoter Score. La prueba es que sus 100 tiendas en Francia, Bélgica y Reino Unido reciben una puntuación media de 4/5 en Google ⭐️
Bigblue Tips
Si no puedes ofrecer productos a todos y cada uno de tus clientes, puedes hacerlo a partir de un determinado valor de pedido. Y aumenta tu cesta media al mismo tiempo 🛒
3️. Construye sobre tus valores
El 53% de los consumidores prefiere las marcas que comparten sus valores. Para convencerles de que llamen a tu puerta, ¡promociónalos a lo grande!
Una técnica adoptada por Unbottled en su nueva tienda parisina llamada "Temple du Solide" en referencia a sus productos.
Sus lemas "bye-bye plastique", "no más productos dudosos en la ducha" o el hashtag #dropthebottle están escritos en las cuatro esquinas de la tienda y son visibles desde la calle.
La marca también comunica regularmente sus compromisos en la tienda y recientemente reveló que su fregadero no era de mármol... ¡sino de plástico reciclado!
Es difícil que a sus clientes se les escape el mensaje de cero residuos y contra el plástico.
Bigblue Tips
Unbottled está comprometido por naturaleza y colabora con Bigblue para prohibir el plástico en sus envíos y enviar los pedidos de forma más responsable.
Descubre nuestros compromisos
4️. ¡Haz que tu tienda online brille!
Un vídeo grabado en una tienda y publicado en la cuenta de una marca de e-commerce puede conseguir hasta 8 veces más engagement que un vídeo normal.
¡La marca LePantalon utiliza esta técnica para aumentar su tráfico en tienda y potenciar su visibilidad!
Bajo el concepto "En la tienda, Simone", sus empleados se presentan, revelan sus consejos sobre cómo elegir los productos adecuados, dan ideas para regalos...
De nuevo, la simplicidad es la mejor táctica para generar visitas ⤵️
Bigblue Tips
Para gestionar fácilmente sus tiendas, LePantalon utiliza la integración Bigblue + Fastmag para:
-> Centralizar y visualizar las existencias B2C y B2B en tiempo real,
-> Gestionar fácilmente los pedidos a proveedores,
-> Automatizar los pedidos B2B y la reposición de existencias
Descubre la integración
Espero que hayas disfrutado de esta newsletter y que te haya inspirado para entrar en el retail.
Si tienes otros consejos sobre cómo optimizar la experiencia de tu tienda o ejemplos de marcas que han dado el paso, no dudes en compartirlos conmigo respondiendo a este correo electrónico. ¡Tengo curiosidad por descubrirlos!
Hasta pronto,
E-commerce Expert @ Bigblue
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #13 - 5 estrategias de marketing de marca ecológicas para inspirarte
February 9, 2023
En 2023, ¡ser una marca de e-commerce eco-responsable es clave para tu negocio!
Porque desde la perspectiva del cliente, los hábitos de consumo están cambiando:
- El 84% de los españoles considera importante comprar productos respetuosos con el medio ambiente.
- El 42% de los Millenials y el 39% de los consumidores de la Generación Z están dispuestos a pagar más por un producto sostenible.
- El 40% de los consumidores afirma que los compromisos sociales de una marca influyen en su decisión de compra.
En este newsletter, comparto contigo 5 campañas de marketing de marcas ecológicas para inspirarte este año.
Allbirds dedica un sitio web a la protección del Amazonas
La marca estadounidense de zapatillas y ropa ecológica reveló en abril el sitio web Keep the Amazon Prime, "la plataforma de e-commerce sin la que realmente no puedes vivir".
El objetivo es recordar a la gente la importancia de la Amazonia para el medio ambiente y recaudar donativos para la ONG Amazon Watch.
Responsable desde su creación, Allbirds también lanzó a principios de 2022 la plataforma Rerun, en la que ofrece sus productos recondicionados a precios reducidos.
🌱 Pequeños arroyos hacen grandes ríos
Tu e-commerce también puede generar emisiones de carbono. Para reducir tu huella, comparto 3 consejos:
-> Elige un host ecológico, cuyo data center funcione con energía verde, por ejemplo.
-> Opta por un tema sencillo sin funciones innecesarias (¡lo que también mejorará tu velocidad y tu SEO!).
-> Comprime tus imágenes u opta por la ""Lazy Load"" (carga de imágenes sólo en pantalla).
¡Rouje lanza su primera colección reciclada!
El pasado diciembre, la marca parisina lanzó Re-Rouje: una colección de piezas recicladas producidas en pequeñas cantidades.
Rouje se ha asociado con la influencer del upcycling, Ruby Pigeon, para anunciar este nuevo producto.
💙 Bigblue Tips
Si aún no puedes ofrecer productos superreciclados (upcycled), ¡empieza por tus paquetes! Haz tutoriales para reutilizar tus cajas como Unbottled o dale una segunda función a tus empaques como Ziggy.
Saber más
BackMarket se vuelve Anonymous
El pasado mes de abril, BackMarket pirateó varias Apple Stores utilizando Airdrop para escribir a los clientes sobre la compra de nuevos teléfonos.
¿El objetivo? Para animarles a elegir un producto de segunda mano en lugar de comprar uno nuevo.
Los destinatarios podrían decir: "El iPhone que te gusta, con una huella de carbono menor. Cambia a renovado".
He puesto el enlace al vídeo a continuación ⬇️
Les Petits Prödiges, ¡expertos en todo en uno!
Si pasaste por París en diciembre, quizás viste esta campaña de Les Petits Prödiges, la marca francesa de cosméticos ecológicos, que se exhibió en el metro de París el pasado diciembre.
¿El producto estrella de su campaña? Su bálsamo natural multiusos, que sustituye hasta 10 productos en nuestras salas de baño.
Y en lugar de producir un cartel por cada uno de los beneficios del producto, la marca ha aplicado el mismo método: ponerlo todo en uno.
Traducción: Hola, somos Camille y Clémentine; creamos el bálsamo Les Petits Prödiges, que puede reemplazar diez productos en tu baño. Cuidado corporal, cuidado facial, cuidado del cabello, desmaquillante, etc. Podríamos haber hecho diez carteles para esto. Pero aún no teníamos suficiente dinero, así que preferimos hacer nuestro bálsamo: lo hicimos todo en un solo cartel.
💙 Bigblue Tips
La marca Les Petit Prödiges utiliza la tecnología Bigblue para evitar el desperdicio de sus productos. Desde la app, puede controlar fácilmente sus fechas de caducidad y así gestionar sus existencias de forma más virtuosa.
Saber más
Ace&Tate transforma el vidrio en una funda de gafas.
La marca de gafas Ace&Tate lo tiene todo para gustar: certificada B corp desde septiembre de 2021, comunica con humor sus compromisos y acciones desde sus distintas redes y sus medios de comunicación dedicados.
La marca anunció recientemente que el caso estaba cerrado: ¡Ace&Tate ha encontrado por fin la forma de reducir sus residuos!
¿Cómo lo hacen? Con una funda de gafas hecha enteramente con sus lentes usadas.
¡Espero que hayas disfrutado de esta newsletter y que te haya dado ganas de proponer más acciones eco-responsables!
Hasta pronto,
E-commerce Expert @ Bigblue
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #12 - Metaverso: ¿hype de marketing o mercado real?
January 26, 2023
¡Hola !
Ralph Lauren viste a pilotos de carreras en Fortnite, Gucci vende bolsos en Roblox e Yves Rocher planta árboles en Minecraft.
Cada vez más marcas integran los videojuegos y el Metaverso en sus estrategias de marketing, hasta el punto de preguntarse si se trata de un truco de marketing o de un mercado real.
¡En este boletín, te revelo lo que sé sobre el tema y comparto contigo las campañas ultracreativas de marcas que se lanzan al mundo virtual!
¿Qué es el Metaverso?
El Metaverso es un mundo virtual inspirado en la ciencia ficción, que pretende ser :
🌎 único y totalmente diseñado,
📲 accesible a través de cualquier dispositivo conectado,
🤝 colectivo y cooperativo,
😎 creados y operados por usuarios que interactúan mediante avatares,
💸 gobernado por monedas virtuales e independientes que se basan en la cadena de bloques (blockchain) (como la criptomoneda o NFT).
☝️ No confundir con Web3.
Web3 es una versión de la web en la que las tecnologías y los datos están descentralizados. Actualmente, nuestros datos son propiedad de las empresas propietarias de las plataformas en las que interactuamos y creamos contenidos (Google, Meta, etc.). En la Web3, todos seríamos sus propietarios y nuestra información se almacenaría y aseguraría a través de la blockchain.
Completamente desarrollado, el Metaverso revolucionará la forma en que las marcas conectan e interactúan con sus objetivos y clientes.
Según los expertos, no se espera que esto ocurra hasta dentro de unos veinte años.
Un negocio muy prometedor...
Así que el Metaverso aún no existe.
Pero los metaversos, universos virtuales e independientes, sí.
Y es un negocio próspero:
🤖 Roblox, la plataforma metaverso nº 1, ha superado los 1.900 millones de dólares de ingresos en 2021 y tiene más de 320 millones de usuarios (el 67% de los cuales son menores de 16 años).
🪵 La plataforma Fortnite, estimada como el juego más rentable de la historia en 2019 y valorada en 21.000 millones de dólares en abril, tiene más de 350 millones de usuarios (el 62% de los cuales tienen entre 18 y 24 años).
🥽 En cuanto a Meta, aunque su plataforma de realidad aumentada Horizon Worlds sólo tiene 300.000 usuarios hasta ahora, su volumen de negocio podría alcanzar los 630.000 millones de dólares en 2030.
No es de extrañar que las marcas se lancen a la conquista de estos nuevos mundos digitales para posicionarse ahora ante un público objetivo más joven y digital native.
👦🏼 Qui va piano, va sano
Antes de que pienses en lanzar tus productos en 3D, compartiré aquí contigo algunos consejos sobre cómo conocer mejor a la Generación Z y adaptarte fácilmente a sus pautas de consumo.
... ¡y ultracreativo!
No hay por qué asustarse si aún no tienes presupuesto para sacar una colección virtual: al e-commerce tal y como lo conocemos aún le quedan muchos años por delante.
Por otra parte, el encaprichamiento de las marcas con estos mundos ha dado lugar a la aparición de campañas ultracreativas, que dejan entrever cómo podría ser el marketing en un futuro próximo ⤵️
🐎 Ralph Lauren viste a los avatares de Fortnite
La marca estadounidense acaba de lanzar una colección de ropa y accesorios titulada "Polo Stadium", en colaboración con la plataforma y revelada en directo en Twitch.
Las piezas reales también estaban disponibles en Internet y en la tienda.
💅🏻 Urban Decay se invita a la fiesta de Paris Hilton en Roblox
Para Halloween, la marca de cosméticos perteneciente al grupo L'Oréal se asoció con la "Cryptoqueen" para organizar su primera operación virtual en Roblox.
Los usuarios podían interactuar con la marca y descubrir algunos de sus productos en salas dedicadas.
🚗 Fiat lanza su showroom virtual
Se aleja un poco de la venta al por menor, ¡pero es una primicia en la historia del automóvil!
Desarrollado con Touchcast y Microsoft, los usuarios pueden descubrir los últimos lanzamientos de la marca e incluso interactuar con una versión virtual de un asesor humano que responde a todas sus preguntas.
🌳 Yves Rocher planta árboles en Minecraft
El año pasado, la marca se asoció con el famoso juego de construcción para desarrollar el proyecto "Minecraft #PlantForLife" en favor de la biodiversidad.
Por cada árbol plantado virtualmente, se plantó realmente 1 árbol en una de las 35 plantaciones de la Fundación Rocher. La marca se había fijado el objetivo de alcanzar los 100.000 árboles.
👜 Gucci vende bolsos más caros en Roblox
El año pasado, la casa de lujo lanzó el Gucci Garden en Roblox, un espacio de exposición virtual accesible sólo durante unos días.
Una exitosa operación de marketing para la marca, que acabó vendiendo un bolso virtual por más que su homólogo real.
Espero que hayas disfrutado de esta newsletter.
Que pases un buen fin de semana y hasta pronto,
E-commerce Expert @Bigblue
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #11 - Elevate Your E-commerce Game with a Winning UGC and IGC Strategy
January 12, 2023
If like 87% of consumers, you read reviews on social networks before placing your first order, you already know that user-generated content and influencers are powerful conversion levers.
But how do you choose which strategy to adopt for your brand?
For this first newsletter of 2023, I compare their advantages and share with you five tools to break through in influencer marketing 🔥
Benefits of Influencer-Generated Content
Influencer-generated content is content created by users with at least 1000 subscribers. They are usually made at the explicit request of the brand, often for a fee.
Why are they so popular?
- Between 2016 and 2020, the influencer marketing market grew from $1.7 billion to $9.7 billion and is expected to reach $24.1 billion by 2025.
- 49% of online shoppers rely on the opinions of influencers before buying.
- They help build user trust in your brand.
- You leverage the influencer's community to reach a specific target.
- They can help you identify relevant trends for your products...
- ... and encourage users to create organic content!
👀 Who loves me follows me
By regularly calling on influencers on its various social networks, the Rouje brand organically retrieves qualitative User-Generated Content for free.
Benefits of User-Generated Content
UGC is content generated by your customers about your brand or your products. Their formats are more varied: videos, photos, stories, opinions or comments...
Why are they so popular?
- 92% of customers trust a brand recommended by their peers more.
- Consumers are 2.4 times more likely to consider a UGC more authentic than content created by your staff.
- Their engagement rate is, on average, 6.9 times higher.
- They make it easier for customers to relate to your products and encourage buying.
- They are an excellent way to gain their trust and federate a community
- 68% of customers who have had a positive experience with a brand are willing to recommend it!
💙 Bigblue Tip
UGCs are an integral part of Unbottled's marketing strategy and each of their products has several hundred reviews. Same method for making physical sales: reviews and comments are also displayed in shop!
PS: To easily collect reviews, Unbottled uses the Bigblue application to personalise its post-purchase emails and integrate the proper call-to-actions.
IGC or UGC: which one to adopt?
To define which strategy to favour, here are some requirements that can help you ⬇️
Influencer-generated content is an excellent option if you:
- Are looking for ultra-qualitative content that you can't produce in-house,
- Believe that your target audience is more likely to follow and rely on influencers.
- Have the proper marketing budget.
As for user-generated content, this is the perfect option if you :
- Want to collect content in large quantities and at (very) low cost.
- Choose authenticity over quality.
- Are confident in your post-purchase experience to build customer loyalty and boost engagement.
🪄 Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.
Reuse user-generated content and influencers for your ads! Thanks to this strategy, the Cabaïa brand recorded a 4x higher click-through rate.
Five tools to break down influencer marketing
As promised, I'm sharing some tools to optimise the collection, creation and distribution of content created by influencers and users!
- Archive: automatically saves the posts in which your brand is identified.
- Kolsquare: to quickly find the right influencers for your brand.
- Kynship: connect with the right content creators and turn them into ads.
- Wiink: to turn your customers into ambassadors and automate your UGC production.
- FOMO (it's all in the name): to notify your visitors what your customers are ordering in real time and generate a fear of missing out.
PS: Bigblue CEO Tim, recently shared his list of favourite e-commerce tools on LinkedIn 👀
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #10 - Detractors or big discounters, who's doing what for Black Friday 2022?
January 5, 2023
Less than 24 hours away from Black Friday, I'm sharing with you the original and innovative marketing strategies of 5 brands for this edition and revealing what to expect from consumers. Plenty of inspiration for your future campaigns, whether you offer discounts or not 😉
What can consumers expect?
📈 French consumers are expected to spend an average of €255 on Black Friday (15% less than in 2021), while the budget of Swiss and German consumers is around €300.
📱 Over 70% of BFCM (Black Friday Cyber Monday) sales will be made on mobile, even though conversion rates and the number of products purchased are higher on desktop.
🌱 According to the 2022 Shopify report, 40% of consumers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products and 52% of French consumers are willing to buy second-hand Christmas presents.
What are the brands up to?
1️. eBay is back... and does nothing!
The French second-hand marketplace recently made a comeback and announced that it would not participate in Black Friday.
eBay has also revealed an eco-friendly marketing strategy for the holidays and will highlight second-, third-, and fourth-hand Christmas gifts.
📹 Video comeback
If you missed it, I'm sharing their campaign video (watch until the end).
2️. Amazon launches Black Week... and goes green
Since Friday, November 18, 00:01, until Monday, November 28, 23:59, the marketplace is offering up to 70% off millions of products.
To help consumers navigate the sale, Amazon has even created a guide to find the best deals.
New this year: to cater to consumers' interests, Amazon also offers a Climate Pfledge Friendly store that only lists more sustainable products, refurbished or certified according to more than 30 standards such as Fair Trade, GOTS, Carbon Neutral, etc.
3️. Unbottled commits to "No Plastic Days"
The cosmetics brand Unbottled is partnering with No Plastic in my Sea, which fights against marine pollution.
Their customers can benefit from reduced prices, and 100% of the profits will be donated to the organization.
PS: their subscribers could benefit from early discounts starting today by signing up through their newsletter.
💡 How to handle unhappy customers during Black Friday?
Discovering that a product they recently ordered is now available at a discounted price can be frustrating for your customers.
To keep them loyal to your brand, you can, for example:
🎟 Offer them a voucher for a future purchase.
🔙 Refund the difference.
🔀 Exclude recent customers from your promotional campaigns (especially with the help of the Bigblue + Klaviyo integration).
4️. Faguo isn't offering discounts and launches a "greenline" campaign
As part of the French collective Make my Friday Green Again, which brings together more than 1,000 brands, it's no surprise that Faguo is not participating in Black Friday.
To raise awareness among consumers, Faguo even launched 3615 - Buy less and better, a (real) phone line to help you resist the temptation of Black Friday! To test it, dial +33 9 72 12 12 34 and press 1 📞As every year, the brand will also offer a free repair workshop in-store this Friday, November 25.
5️.Gymshark keeps its Black Friday champion title
Gymshark's Black Friday started on Thursday, November 17, with discounts of up to 60%, which can be combined with the discounts the brand offers to students, sports professionals, and military personnel all year round.
If in 2021 Gymshark had made a parody of a workout session to announce its Black Friday deals, it opted for Instagram-focused communication this year. Their account features a "Black Friday Wishlist" and a countdown in their stories, as well as a modified bio for the occasion.
The 2,000 discounted products were also revealed in advance on their website to allow customers to make their wishlists for the big day.
NB: the brand averages 20% of its turnover during the holiday season, including 40% during the first 6 hours of Black Friday.
Finally (and for even more marketing ideas), I'm sharing the playbook The guide to sell 1M€ on BFCM 2022: Build your win-big strategy with strategies from the top brands!
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #9 - 4 tips to turn your marketing campaigns into viral content on TikTok
December 15, 2022
Nearly 50% of consumers use TikTok to discover new products, and 37% buy them immediately.
TikTok offers a golden opportunity to increase your turnover and your brand's reputation easily.
In this email, I will share our Top 4 tips to turn your marketing campaigns into viral content on TikTok and multiply your sales! ⚡️
Tip #1: Spot TikTok trends before anyone else 🔮
To find TikTok trends before anyone else, use the Creative Center.
This tool allows you to search by country and industry and then target trends that can be useful to you, such as:
- Hashtags: identify the most relevant and successful ones, find the creators who use them, get valuable information about their audience, etc.
- Songs and sounds: find the songs already trending or get ahead of the competition and find out which ones are gaining popularity.
🥊 Bigblue Hack
TikTok Creative Center does not include user-created sounds. To get them, head to the TikTok Sound Trend page and find out which ones generate the most engagement.
- And finally, the types of videos that work to your inspiration.
Tip #2 : Create User Generated Content to boost your sales 🤳
User Generated Content (UGC) is ideal for quickly increasing your prominence on networks (and your sales!):
💗 Super popular and viral content e.g. Over 155 million views for a Dermalogica unboxing,
👂 74% of consumers rely on peer recommendations on social networks before making a purchase,
⭐️ 68% of consumers would be willing to leave a review or comment for free if you ask them to.
You have two options to get good UGCs: through your customers or content creators/influencers.
For this, go to the TikTok Creators Marketplace to find relevant creators according to their country and number of followers!
🤜🤛 Bigblue friend
Build your community with WeWiink! It’s the perfect way to turn loyal customers into brand ambassadors and strengthen the community surrounding the brand that helps you make more sales.
Contact Joseph
Tip #3: target influencers on Amazon 🧾
With Amazon’s Influencer Program, content creators can link their TikTok account to their Amazon "storefront" (the equivalent of a page with their favourites).
Users can then easily find the products that the influencers present in their videos and, above all, buy them very quickly!
Cosmetic brands such as CeraVe, Aquaphor ou Paula's Choice have seen their Amazon sales increase by 83% on average after a viral video on TikTok.
🌱 Not selling on Amazon?
Content creators can add a link.tree to their TikTok bio! For example, you can negotiate the addition of a link to your site for a specific period.
Tip #4: Link your TikTok account to your Shopify 🛍
You can easily manage your TikTok ad campaigns from Shopify!
You must select the product you want to highlight, and the ad is automatically created.
Users are then redirected to your site to proceed to payment.
By implementing these tips, you'll be able to leverage the unique features and trends of TikTok to build a successful influencer marketing campaign.
Plus, if you want to take your influencer marketing strategy to the next level, check out our playbook, 'Product Seeding: The Key to Becoming an 8-figure Brand with Influencer Marketing'. You'll find everything you need to know about using product seeding to build brand awareness and drive sales via influencer partnerships.
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #8 - 15 tips for a memorable unboxing experience
December 1, 2022
It is often said that you should not trust your first impression, especially in e-commerce.
Even the last impression is the most important because 80% of your customers will only order again if they are satisfied with the delivery experience.
One of the secrets to boosting their Lifetime Value is to offer them a memorable unboxing experience.
To inspire you, I have shared the strategies and secrets of the most beautiful DNVBs to make them unforgettable!
Personalise your packages to make you unforgettable
The number one rule for successful unboxing is to personalise your packaging so that your customers are immersed in your world.
68% say that personalised packaging guarantees quality and inspires trust.
Merci Handy understands this and always creates very creative packaging, as seen from its collab' with Stranger Things ⬇️
Don't worry, you don't have to go to that extreme. To stand out with your packaging, you can opt for:
- Personalising the outside and/or inside of your package
- A scotch tape or sticker in your colours.
- An original silk paper.
- A thank you card.
💡 Bigblue Tip
Thanks to Bigblue, Unbottled add a personalised thank you card written by Sarah, their founder, in their parcels. A little attention goes a long way; their customer satisfaction rate is 90% on average!
Be generous, and you will win your customers’ hearts!
In marketing, evoking emotion is the best way to attract attention and make yourself memorable to your customers and prospects.
61% say that the package's aesthetics plays a role in their enthusiasm when unpacking it!
To do this, you can take inspiration from those brands that include an unexpected product in their orders:
- Aesop’s small canvas bag that can be used as a toiletry bag.
- Sézane or Rouje tote bags, very easily identifiable and ultra-desirable (they are even sold on Vinted)!
- Pop stickers from From Future that you want to stick everywhere (like on Jules' computer from Bigblue)!
- Samples of your products, like Dermalogica.
🛠 Bigblue Tip
Dermalogica uses the Bigblue app to add free samples to their orders, but also customizable flyers according to seasonality (coupons, pre-sales, etc.).
Adapt to your customers’ needs
A returning customer costs on average 7x less than acquiring a new one!
Showing your customers that you know and care about them is a great way to build loyalty.
Transform your occasional buyers with packaging that fits their needs and fits them!
- Easy-to-carry packages with a built-in handle like Asos or Eram.
- A package/shoe box like CAVAL to store your pair of shores and reduce packaging.
- A ready-to-return package with tape and a pre-printed return slip like Zalando.
PS: if you like the design of their packaging, I found their patterns on Ken Hegemann's website 🤫
↪️ How about building customer loyalty through returns?
With our customisable returns portal and printerless technology, your customers return their orders independently. With store credit, you reduce refunds and retain revenue.
Tell me more
Tell your story
Take advantage of your packages to tell your story and highlight your values!
- Zeta reminds us of its mission, the components of its sneakers and their impact on the environment.
- Cabaïa uses a protective bag made of 100% biodegradable and compostable vegetable cellulose, they guarantee its products for life and even show their support to the delivery people!
🌱 Bigblue Tips
At Bigblue, all our packaging is plastic-free! To protect fragile products, we use block box made from recycled and easily upcyclable clothing! Feel free to click here if you'd like to learn more about our commitments.
Go viral with your packaging!
Your packages can be excellent marketing levers because they allow you to get UGC!
This is no mean feat when you consider that 48% of consumers say that UGC allows them to discover new brands.
- The fun side of Hipli's reusable packages allows SMOON to retrieve content from Instagram and TikTok easily.
- Ziggy's parcels turn into a Meoeow Car and delight their customers, who send the brand photos to publish each week.
As you may know, we at Bigblue are obsessed with the marketing power of UGC.
We've held three webinars and written several newsletters and articles on the subject.
I'm sharing our free playbook Anatomy of a €3M UGC campaign with EVERYTHING you need to know about customer-generated content.
If, like me, you are passionate about unboxing (and a little curious about what others are doing), I recommend this Instagram account.
E-commerce trends & models
Newsletter #7 - Partnerships: Leverage your network and gain new customers 🎯
November 17, 2022
Because they are the most effective and least expensive organic acquisition channels on the market, Networking and Partnerships continue to be successful marketing tools in the UK.
To help you strengthen or build your referral strategy, I've shared the method that Caroline Mignaux revealed to our CEO, Tim. This method highlights how you can easily gain new customers via partnerships and boost your sales during Q1.
The 3 benefits of networking
1️. Reduce acquisition costs by sharing your audiences with your partner, rather than spending a fortune to get new customers.
2️. Gain visibility to an ultra-relevant audience and grow your community.
3️. Leverage your social proof and establish your authority by increasing your partner brand awareness.
The most effective types of partnerships
- Co-branding
Co-branding, or collaboration, is not a new method and simply consists of two brands creating a product that merges their two worlds.
Contrary to popular belief, this marketing practice is popular between the big (Apple x Hermes) and between the small (M.Moustache x Hast). Today, it is becoming more and more common that the small and the big are partnering up with one another! (Nespresso x Zeta, CAVAL x Saint James, Faguo x Aigle, etc.)
Thanks to their partnership, Faguo was able to take advantage of Aigle's Asian clientele which established itself in a new market. On the other hand, Aigle gave itself a facelift by associating itself with a DNVB.
- The bundle
This is when two brands offer their products and services together, for example, in a limited edition range or a competition. As with Unbottled x Meuf, this allows you to boost your engagement by taking advantage of cross-communication, generate more leads, and increase your sales.
🔀 Are you interested in bundles?
Using Bigblue, Meuf and Unbottled launched a bundle offer and set up their cross-sales campaign.
- Affiliate marketing
E-commerce affiliation consists of selling your products on an affiliate site, often from a dedicated page. The affiliate receives a commission for each sale made and the advertiser’s site increases its sales and traffic.
- Cross-selling
Cross-selling is when you offer your customers the opportunity to buy additional and often complementary products. This technique increases your sales by an average of 20% and improves your customer’s overall experience. If your products and your partner's products are complementary, you can definitely use cross-selling to mutually increase your sales, like Campingaz with Decathlon.
🛠 Bigblue Tip
I recently discovered the Capio tool; this makes it easy to find the right partner site to cross-sell to!
The check-list to organize and automate your partnerships
✅ Step 1: Define your objective
To do this, all you need to do is determine what impact you are going to prioritise:
- Gain visibility
- Build your authority
- Generate more leads to increase your database
By focusing on one objective, you'll have a much better chance of maximising your profits and making your co-marketing operation a success.
✅ Step 2: Find the right partner
"Like attracts like". Yet, 70% of partnerships fail because of a poor choice of partner.
To succeed in your partnership, you need to have a culture fit:
- a common goal,
- similar values,
- similar audiences,
- equivalent processes,
- resources that complement or reinforce each other (for example, if you are looking to launch on Youtube and your partner is already present there).
💡Tip for finding the right partners quickly
The Reachmaker tool created by Caroline analyses more than 2000 of your competitors and peers to propose collaborations adapted to your needs.
✅ Step 3: Process
To save time and quickly enrich your list of partners, I strongly recommend that you offer them an onboarding kit.
For example, you can make a dedicated onboarding kit, as if you were welcoming a new employee to your team.
As you will be working together, it is important to share knowledge e.g. tips, tricks and resources... be generous! Your partner will feel more involved and your partnership will thrive.