Beleza & Bem-estar

Atendimento escalável para beleza e bem-estar

A Bigblue oferece aos seus clientes a melhor experiência de entrega. Unbottled, ENDOR, Novexpert e Nieves escolheram a Bigblue para expandir seus negócios.

Converse com nossos especialistas
Beleza & Bem-estar
Beleza & Bem-estar
Beleza & Bem-estar
Beleza & Bem-estar

Ajudamos marcas de beleza a alcançar resultados mensuráveis

ENDOR rastreia seu estoque

usando a Bigblue para rastrear e melhorar seu gerenciamento de estoque com o processo de gerenciamento de lotes First Expired, First Out.

97% de satisfação de entrega do comprador para a NIEVES

Com o atendimento ultrarrápido da Bigblue, a top model Nieves Alvarez conseguiu entregar rapidamente seus produtos para a pele aos consumidores.

+1K UGCs coletados para Unbottled

usando os e-mails de rastreamento da Bigblue, a Unbottled lançou uma campanha eficaz para coletar mais de 1.000 postagens de conteúdo geradas por usuários nas mídias sociais!

Unbottled Beauty 🇬🇧

Unbottled uses Bigblue to increase checkout conversion rate with ETAs

The problem

Unbottled’s skyrocketing growth demanded swift scaling of logistics and operations.

The solution

Unbottled trusted Bigblue to design a conversion-oriented checkout experience. Bigblue allows Unbottled to offer multiple delivery options (express, standard, green, and click & collect) and display real-time precise ETA’s. In less than a year after launch and working with Bigblue, their sales grew from 500 to 25K monthly orders!

Features they love

Unbottled Beauty 🇬🇧

Fast-tags and Estimated Time of Arrival

Unbottled Beauty 🇬🇧

Branded tracking e-mails

Unbottled Beauty 🇬🇧

Ultra-fast fulfilment for DtoC and wholesale

Novexpert Beauty 🇬🇧

Novexpert gained +20% conversions with Bigblue’s Fast-tags

The problem

French skincare brand Novexpert faced a pressing need to rapidly scale their e-commerce and extend their international reach beyond the French borders.

The solution

Bigblue's reliability, fast delivery, coupled with unparalleled transparency and package tracking, gifted Novexpert's customer support, e-commerce, and operations teams with invaluable time savings.

 And even better, they increased conversion rate by 20% on product pages using Bigblue’s Fast-tags, and are currently shipping products to clients in +20 countries.

Features they love

Novexpert Beauty 🇬🇧

Green delivery options

Novexpert Beauty 🇬🇧

Branded tracking e-mails

Novexpert Beauty 🇬🇧

Ultra-fast fulfilment for DtoC orders

Nieves Beauty 🇬🇧

Revolutionising Skincare: Bigblue fuels top model Nieves Alvarez’s brand deliveries in DtoC and retail

The problem

Spanish top model Nieves Alvarez needed a reliable operations partner to streamline operations for her newly launched skincare brand NIEVES Beauty.

The solution

NIEVES Beauty trusts Bigblue with its e-commerce’s deliveries to offer buyers with a top-notch post-purchase journey. As online sales skyrocket, NIEVES sees in Bigblue the perfect ally for gearing up their expansion into Spain's leading retail spaces.

Features they love

Nieves Beauty 🇬🇧

Green delivery options

Nieves Beauty 🇬🇧

Branded tracking e-mails

Nieves Beauty 🇬🇧

Ultra-fast fulfilment for DtoC orders

Endor Beauty 🇬🇧

Endor Technologies ships +3K parcels a day using Bigblue

The problem

Endor Technologies sought a fulfilment partner that could keep pace with their fast-growing online orders and efficient restocking for beauty centers, all while delivering a stellar customer experience.

The solution

Partnering with Bigblue, Endor Technologies delivers a cosmic purchase journey complete with speedy delivery, flawless personalised unboxing, and top-notch parcel tracking. This stellar approach has led to a 95% customer satisfaction rate for their 3K+ daily orders.

Features they love

Endor Beauty 🇬🇧

Lot management

Endor Beauty 🇬🇧

Branded tracking e-mails

Endor Beauty 🇬🇧

Ultra-fast fulfillment for DtoC and wholesale

Junte-se às principais marcas de beleza e bem-estar

Oh My Cream
Serious Tissues 2

Comece agora

Junte-se às principais marcas de beleza e expanda seus negócios com a Bigblue.
