

Conecta Klaviyo y usa eventos de la preparación y entrega de pedidos para lanzar flujos de email y SMS.

About the integration
Developed by
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Klaviyo is a marketing automation platform that automates SMS and email marketing to help businesses acquire, retain and grow their customers.

Get Bigblue events in Klaviyo

Provide a great customer experience by integrating your Bigblue events directly to Klaviyo.

You will be able to send order-specific updates and schedule your communications based on the actual delivery of the order.

New app Bigblue-Klaviyo

Connect Bigblue to Klaviyo to send great emails to your customers.

Add Bigblue events to Klaviyo

Connect the Bigblue app to push delivery events to Klaviyo.

Schedule your emails based on delivery events

Carefully segment your emails to the users who received your products, or gave a good rating to the delivery satisfaction survey.

Create unique flows with order-related events

You'll now be able to send advice for use to people who actually received your products.Target your happy buyers for marketing purposes. We help you target buyers that were satisfied with the delivery. This a unique opportunity to increase your brand ratings, and to win back unhappy buyers with targeted marketing or discounts.

«Desde el momento en que empezamos a utilizar la integración entre Bigblue+Gorgias, redujimos el tiempo dedicado a comprar entradas en un 50%».

Simon De Swarte
CMO y cofundador de CAVAL & MoEA

«Podemos responder a todas las solicitudes del fin de semana antes del lunes al mediodía, algo que nunca había ocurrido antes. Nuestros clientes están impresionados y obviamente más satisfechos».

Simon De Swarte
CMO y cofundador de CAVAL & MoEA

«Antes de la integración, nuestro equipo de soporte perdía tiempo buscando respuestas. A partir de ahora, cumplirán sus misiones con mayor facilidad y tendrán tiempo para intercambiar información con nuestros clientes».

Simon De Swarte
CMO y cofundador de CAVAL & MoEA

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