Newsletter #30 - 3 Tips to Turn Your Ad Campaigns into Lead Generators

Newsletter #30 - 3 Tips to Turn Your Ad Campaigns into Lead Generators

Julie Cauville

Julie Cauville

August 27, 2024

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Hello !

At our Bigblue x Partnershift event, I had the opportunity to chat with experts in paid advertising.

One point struck me: we only have 1.3 seconds to capture the attention of a young adult (18-24 years old) before they move on.

Whether your strategy is well-established or you're just starting out, the challenge remains the same: create ads that immediately resonate with your target. 🎯

To help you, here are 3 essential tips for visuals that convert, without wasting your budget. 💸

1️. Think like your customers to find the perfect angle

To captivate your prospects, your ads must meet their needs.

Put yourself in their shoes and consider their daily challenges, expectations, and aspirations. 🧠

To assist you, here are some questions you can ask to find the perfect angle:

  • The miracle solution: What problem does my product solve (time-saving, cost-saving, improved quality of life...)?
  • Before/After: What were the inconveniences before my product? How does my offer change the game?
  • Customer favourites: What do my customers appreciate most about my product?
  • Breaking the routine: How did my customers manage before my product?

The use of the Before/After angle in Loop Earplug's ads 👂

My method for creating texts that convert
When writing your ad copy, I recommend applying the "4 U's" method:

- Unique
: Stand out with originality.
Ultra-specific: Provide precise answers and solutions.
Urgency: Create a sense of scarcity to prompt immediate action.
Useful: Ensure your content adds value.

2️. Be authentic to increase your conversions

We've never had so many tools to create artificially polished content.

Yet, 86% of consumers believe authenticity is crucial in their brand choice.

In this context, your customers are your best ambassadors. Here are 3 tips for incorporating them into your campaigns:

  • Explore your reviews to understand what resonates with your audience (and find the right angle ⬆).
  • Like the French brand INGA, use your positive testimonials as social proof.
  • Feature your customers' personal experiences to connect with your prospects immediately.

INGA uses numerous customer reviews in its latest campaign.

My tip for automatically gathering customer testimonials with each order

Bigblue's custom tracking page to collect reviews once the order is delivered. Unbottled has gathered over 10k reviews to reuse on its website, product pages, and marketing campaigns.
Elevate my delivery experience 🚚

3️. Bet on the extraordinary to revolutionise the day-to-day

In a world of increasingly standardised content like MrBeast's, taking a different approach by betting on the absurd can prove profitable.

A strategy tested this week by DIJO!

The probiotic brand splashed in the Paris metro with a 4x3 poster featuring a 💩 emoji.

It is an original and very effective approach to making an impression.

Update, their post is already nearing 1,5K+ likes ❤️

One last dose of inspiration for the road

AMI played the vintage card for its latest fashion show by
sending out 90s-style mail invitations with scratch tickets, classified ads, and a postcard. Clever!

Thanks for reading this far 💙

I hope these tips prove useful. As always, feel free to share your thoughts; I love reading your feedback 😊

See you soon,

Julie E-commerce Expert @ Bigblue