Newsletter #27 — 3 E-Commerce-Trends, die 2024 herausstechen werden

Newsletter #27 — 3 E-Commerce-Trends, die 2024 herausstechen werden

Julie Cauville

Julie Cauville

August 27, 2024

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Hi there!

I hope this newsletter finds you well.

We are now more that 8,994 subscribers here! Whether this is your first edition (welcome 👋🏻) or you've been here from the start, thank you all for following me 💙

I'm back after a little month's break.

I've used this time to keep up-to-date and work on version 2.0 of the D2C Academy newsletter 💌

I can't wait to tell you more.

Meanwhile, I'm sharing 3 e-commerce trends that struck me this year, to help you stand out in 2024! ✨

1. Gamify your CTAs to increase your conversion

I was impressed by the landing page of Dr. Ali Abdaal's book "Feel-Good Productivity".

Besides its polished design, this page is interactive and adheres to all principles of an effective conversion landing page... and that's without the traditional "Add to Basket" button!

Instead, users can press the "B" key on their keyboard to be instantly redirected to the product page.

I thought this was brilliant. Because a simple detail can radically transform the user experience (and make you more memorable), but also significantly increase your conversion rate (by more than 25% on average).

I've just implemented this on our blog for the newsletter (to test, click here). I'll keep you posted on the results! 📊

I've tested it for the newsletter by implementing it in a CTA to make it more interactive.
I opted for "Press S to Subscribe" 💌

A few free Landing Page examples to inspire you
I recently discovered the website
One Page Love, which lists the best templates and resources to improve your landing pages. Incredible. Also, I signed up here to receive 80 mobile e-commerce landing templates from Boost Conversion Agency.

💗 Maximise your sales by focusing on the experience

I fell for the "Adventures of Léonie Skiing" video by Decathlon this week.

A very clever piece of content from the French giant: instead of just presenting their ski products, Decathlon transforms them into a captivating experience.

Indeed, products presented as experiences resonate with us more personally and naturally encourage us to react or interact.

This is reflected, for example, at Amazon, where 28 of the top 30 most reviewed products are experiential (movies, video games, etc.).

And it seems to be working for Decathlon, as it's their most engaged TikTok video to date: 3.2M views (with "only" 245,000 followers).  

The Decathlon video shows Léonie, a young skier, naturally testing Decathlon's products and commenting on her experience.

The power of emotions to sell more
Reading the book
Cashvertising, I was reminded of the importance of Lifeforce-8, mentioned by the author. These are the 8 primary desires that drive us all and which we can't resist. A goldmine for your next marketing campaigns!
PS :
ein Beispiel von Inhalten, die Life-Force 4 „Sexuelle Kameradschaft“ ausnutzen

⚽️ Schließt euch für 2024 zusammen!

Ich spreche nicht von den Olympischen Spielen, sondern von den Shopify-Kollektiv Feature, gestartet am 26. Juli.

Es ermöglicht Shopify-Shops um eine Partnerschaft einzugehen, indem sie ihre E-Commerce-Websites verbinden, um ihre Produkte gegenseitig zu verkaufen.

Kurz gesagt, einfach Cross-Selling und Partnerschaften.

Einige Vorteile für Marken:

📊 Verkaufsschub: Lalo verzeichnete dank der Partnerschaft mit Plan-Spielzeug.

🛒 Erhöhung des durchschnittlichen Bestellwerts (AOV): in Zusammenarbeit mit GORUCK, Zehntausend erhöhte seinen AOV um 46%.

💸 Einsparungen bei Akquisitions- und Retargeting-Kosten: profitiert vom kostenlosen Traffic von der Partnerseite.

📦 Logistische Einfachheit: Bestellungen werden automatisch an Shopify der Eigentümermarke weitergeleitet, das den Versand abwickelt.

Während ich auf seine Ankunft in Großbritannien warte, lade ich Sie ein, Drake Related zu erkunden, die Website des Rappers Drake, die von Shopify Collective betrieben wird ⤵️

The site offers a visit to Drake's house, while buying his merch or favourite products.
Der Detaillierungsgrad ist beeindruckend.

Arbeiten Sie dank Bigblue ohne Shopify zusammen
Mit Bigblue konnten Meuf und Unbottled problemlos eine Cross-Selling-Kampagne starten und ihre Produktpakete schnell direkt aus demselben Lager versenden. Wir arbeiten mit über 500 Marken zusammen — das sind eine ganze Reihe potenzieller Partnerschaften, oder?

Entdecken Sie unsere Partnermarken 💗

Ich hoffe dir hat dieser Newsletter gefallen!

Wir sehen uns im Januar bei unserer nächsten Ausgabe. Ich wünsche euch allen eine wundervolle Weihnachtszeit 🎄

Bis bald,

Julie, E-Commerce-Expertin bei Bigblue