Newsletter #20 - The Secret Recipe to Build 1M€ Landing Pages

Newsletter #20 - The Secret Recipe to Build 1M€ Landing Pages

Julie Cauville

Julie Cauville

August 27, 2024

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Hello !

Today, I suggest we explore a tool that is often underestimated but incredibly powerful: landing pages.

Why? With an average conversion rate of 12.9%, landing pages are an excellent way to reduce your advertising expenses, decrease your CPA, and increase your sales 💥

In this newsletter, I reveal the advantages of a landing page strategy for your business and share with you the key elements to creating ultra-effective landings!

PS: To help you put these tips into practice, I've included examples of landing pages for you to copy right away 👀

4 benefits of landing pages for your e-commerce

Showcasing your product 📸

A landing page focuses on a specific product or offer. The perfect opportunity to take the time to highlight all its advantages and seduce your prospects!

Skyrocketing your conversion rate 🧨

By guiding your visitors through a simple path with a single purpose (buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a playbook, etc.), you eliminate all possible distractions and significantly increase your chances of conversion.

Classic Customer Journey vs. Customer Journey within a Landing Page Funnel

Boosting your SEO 🧨🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Each landing is a new page indexed on your site! It improves your natural referencing and therefore offers you more visibility on search engines. By optimising your landing pages with relevant keywords, you can also attract more qualified traffic to your e-commerce site.

Collecting valuable data about your customers 🎣

Landing pages are also excellent tools to learn more about your customers and test your audience's interest in different products, offers, or content. You can then reuse this information to refine your marketing strategy and better meet your customers' needs!

The key elements of an effective landing page 🗝

1. Fast loading

Your conversion rate decreases on average by 4 points per second of loading. To optimise your landing page’s conversion rate as much as possible, aim for between 1 and 4 seconds of loading.

2. Clearly state your offer from the start

To do this, make sure your Hero Header contains:

  • Clear and concise title and subtitle,
  • Engaging CTA,
  • An image or video representative of your offer or product.

💡 Extra Tip
Videos increase landing page conversion rates by an average of 86%.

To help you, I'm sharing Dollar Shave Club's example below ⤵  

Dollar Shave Club

3. Social proof.

9 out of 10 visitors rely on customer reviews on landing pages! Add reviews, customer quotes, or a few key figures to reassure your visitors and convert them into customers.

4. A presentation of your brand

To do this, try to answer the following questions throughout your landing page:

  • Who are you?
  • The why of your brand and why someone should buy it.
  • Why are you legitimate to sell your offer?
  • Why are you the best option on the market?
  • How fast can your customers get your product?

5. A (single) personalised CTA

Even though it's tempting to add several CTAs to your landing page, it can be counterproductive. I recommend focusing on a single CTA and customising it to the maximum. Personalised CTAs convert, on average, 4x more!

6. A newsletter sign-up link

Don't miss the opportunity to stay in touch with your prospects!

💙 Bigblue Tips
With the Bigblue application, you can customise your tracking pages and post-purchase emails with marketing banners. Take advantage of this to redirect your customers to your landing pages!
Transform My Emails into Lead Machines!

3 landing pages to copy right away 👀

  • Javy Coffee's product page (without a menu to avoid distractions).
The Simple and Effective Product Page of Javy Coffee.
  • Bombas' referral page (which offers to automatically send a reminder to the referred person).
Page referral de Bombas
  • Glossier's splash page (unlike a pop-up that appears after a trigger, a splash page is already present when you arrive on a page).
Glossier's Splash Page de